About the Artist
Painting with the clarity of the twenty-first century and the appreciation for previous generations, Michael Bondi creates images at the heart of a culture, whether sunlit flowers on a windowsill in Italy or a cobblestone path leading to the Adriatic. Bondi’s remarkable detail is rarely seen in the unforgiving medium of watercolor. His delicate drawings are perfectly complemented by rich colors, creating marvelous vignettes of life.
While serving in the Army, Michael was stationed in Italy for a time. In his free time, his love of watercolor and artistic talent was cultivated with the inspiration of the beautiful images of Italy. Since then, he has returned frequently to Europe, finding the soul of the cultures and the unique power of these places unmatched in their ability to stir his heart’s desire to create. In recent years, the pull of art has proven irresistible. With more time and energy devoted to his art, Michael Bondi has created a remarkable collection of art.
He starts with the “skeleton” of the painting: composition. Setting out the lines that move your eye within a piece – echoes of curves or straight lines – he sets the foundation for a watercolor. Colors then reinforce the composition, always capturing elusive qualities of light. The clear, brilliant light of the Mediterranean showcases elegant architecture, humble doorways, or monastic stairs.
He has exhibited in galleries in Santa Fe, California and Colorado. A native “Wisconsinite” Bondi has lived in Colorado since 1973, and currently resides in Niwot.